The actress Anne Winsch from “Berlin Day and Night” has once more come under attack on social media. This time, she uploaded a photo of herself to Instagram rather than one of her three kids. In the video, the online sensation is only visible wearing pink underpants. Her supporters didn’t like it, though, and told the 31-year-old in no uncertain terms.
for completely illogical wishes. “Because some people claim that I’m stripping once more for publicity and loves. Bullshit,” she captioned the photo on her Instagram Story, adding, “Anyone who knows me knows I’ve always been like that and I like being like Taking pictures of yourself like this, even before the “Berlin day and night” time.” The mother of three also stated categorically that nothing would alter. Even as a mother, I can comprehend if it’s too much for certain people. But I want to show that I’m more than just a mom.
Nothing about my maternal traits is involved,
The influencer shared old pictures to demonstrate how much she had previously enjoyed flaunting her beauty. She was pictured topless on a beach when she was 18 in the pictures. “If you don’t want to see that, why are you here?” she asks in a crucial statement.
She’s not a bad mom just because she takes pictures of herself like this. “It had nothing to do with my maternal qualities,” Anne insisted. She gives her detractors the following advice: “If something doesn’t work for you, don’t try to change someone else, but find someone who will post what you want to see.”