Brayden Nelson is a dedicated fan of Ninjago and a representative of the community that has been given official recognition. He has been involved with the franchise for a number of years and has made numerous contributions.
Nathan W. and Heather I. (Doss) Nelson, the parents of Brayden Nelson, are incredibly proud of their son. Brayden was given the name Michael in honor of his parents and is now a resident of Green Forest, Arkansas. Michael’s biological parents are Nathan and Heather, and their kid bears the name Michael.
The given names Nathan and Heather are shared by Michael’s parents, Nathan W. Nelson and Heather I. (Doss) Nelson. Michael was born on February 23, 2019, in Johnson, Arkansas, and carries his father’s name as his middle name. In a similar vein, the event in question was planned and occurred in 2019. Tragically, on August 31, 2020, Brayden, who resided with his family, managed to flee the property at the age of just 18 months.
After leaving the planet, Brayden soared to heaven and met up with his fellow angels there. The activities he most enjoyed were horseplaying with his aunt Jessie, playing with the family pets, and cuddling in his mother’s warm embrace. The great-grandmothers of Brayden are from Erie, Illinois, Berryville, Arkansas, and Green Forest, Arkansas, respectively. His aunts Tonya Eastwood and Jessie Nelson also live in Berryville and Green Forest, respectively, in the state of Arkansas. Along with his siblings Kadee and Dawson Nelson, Nathan and Heather Nelson, Brayden’s parents, are also natives of Green Forest, Arkansas. The last person who lives in Green Forest, Arkansas is his grandma Dawn McCoy.