Chris Boyd Obituary, Accident – The news of the demise of a member of our Bulldog family is being passed forward, and we do it with great sadness. School Safety Officer Chris Boyd was a passenger in a car that was involved in a fatal collision on Monday afternoon.
Officer Boyd (Junior) has made a number of contributions during his time working for Greenwood Schools that have significantly and favorably impacted our school community. We adored Chris for a number of reasons, including the friendships he formed with the other children and the friendships he formed with our special students. Chris was also always present for the bus changeover in the afternoon. Not only for his contributions but also for the opportunity to get to know him, we will always be grateful.
Officer Boyd worked for the Fort Smith Police Department for his whole career until retiring as a Corporal. He held positions as a field training officer, firearms instructor, and ALERRT active shooter instructor. Mr. Boyd received the Lifesaving Award, the Jaycee’s Officer of the Year Award, the American Red Cross Hero Award, and the Mayor’s Hero Award before leaving the Fort Smith Police Department. He also had a special VIP flight with the USAF Thunderbirds. Chris was also a former team leader for the Fort Smith Police Department’s Special Weapons and Tactics division.
The magnitude of this loss is hard to estimate. In your thoughts and prayers, please keep the Boyd family, the members of our school safety team, and the several members of our Greenwood community who were close to him in mind. There isn’t any other information at this time regarding upcoming memorial services or services for the dead, but we’ll let you know as soon as it is. We feel quite sad as a result of this news. The students at Greenwood School saw Officer Boyd JR as a true friend, a superb protector, and a great example of law enforcement. Our family eagerly anticipated hearing his tales and viewing his autos each week. We are aware of and grateful for his contribution. Stories about people’s forebears and their legacies abound in the River Valley! He has helped us out, and we appreciate it. Everyone will sincerely miss him.