Her tongue is as razor-sharp as her nails. Katja Krasavice, a 26-year-old entrepreneur and music star, stops by BILD! On Thursday, the former DSDS juror paid a visit to the editorial office in Berlin. She spoke with the staff there politely about her song proposals and former coworker Dieter Bohlen (69).
“Sugar Mama” describes how long her overtly Krasavice appearance lasts while sitting on a newsroom couch with a XXL mane (“hair is longer than my dress”). With a smile, Katja explains, “I don’t require as much time as my make-up artist and I do I only have three to four hours today and I’m in a rush. The rapper also enjoys spending “six to seven hours” inside the magic ball on other days. She values the following as well: “I always go out to take a shower. Always. That’s just how I am.
With her enormous, brightly painted red claws, Katja caught everyone’s eye. However, she later admitted, “These nails don’t suit me at all; I’m Edward Scissorhands, I don’t even notice them. It’s just my hands, and I’m just enjoying the expression. To all the bullies and haters, she had a dazzling message: “I’m no less good just because I dress like this and have these nails on. Many people have commented on how I look. Many individuals claim that I’m exaggerating. I’m happy to encourage it if someone makes a comment along those lines. I would then like longer nails.
Another proverb reads, “My greatest example is my own hatred. I want to show everyone that I’m valuable. I’m a workaholic as a result of this rejection. ‘Wait a minute, I’ll break you,’ goes the motto.
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Katja promises BILD, “I’ll start working on my album right away. The ‘women’s’ video is also simply intense. The key message is that women can and should do whatever they choose. Although it ought to be normal, it isn’t yet.