Rashid Ali Buttar, an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist who was born in the United Kingdom and currently resides in Charlotte, North Carolina, was born on January 20, 1966. He is well-known for his contentious use of chelation therapy for a range of illnesses, such as cancer and autism. He has received two reprimands for acting improperly from both the US and the North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is accused of selling contaminated and illegally sold pharmaceuticals.
In 1966, Buttar was born to Pakistani parents in London. He was 9 years old when he and his parents emigrated to the country, settling in Rosebud, Missouri. The University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Des Moines, Iowa, awarded him a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine after he graduated from the University of Washington with a BA in Biology and Religion.
Buttar asserts membership in a number of groups, all of which Quackwatch lists as “problematic organizations,” including the American Academy of General Medicine, the American Academy of Preventive Medicine, and the American Academy for the Advancement of Medicine, the latter of which primarily promotes chelation therapy.
Buttar established the Medical Spa and Rejuvenation Center in Huntersville, North Carolina, in 1998 and currently serves as its medical director.