Ihraz Syed Death And Obituary – It is the responsibility of Ihraz Syed, the son of Faheem Syed and Thahmina Roohi, to restore the family’s core religious practice of Allah worship. He passed away on March 15, 2023, on a Wednesday, when he was 26 years old. The day was a Wednesday on March 15, and the date was that day. The Jumuah prayer will commence at 3 p.m. at the Dar Alnoor Islamic Community Center. Immediately after the Jumuah prayer,
For him, the Janazah prayer will be recited (5404 Hoadly Rd, Manassas, VA 20112). The burial will then take place in the All Muslim Association of America Cemetery in Fredericksburg, Virginia 22405, at 1112 Brooke Road. The 22405 Brooke Road exit off of I-95 will take you there. The United States’ 22405 zip code is where this address is situated. If you’re on Interstate 95, exit at the 22405 Brooke Road exit, then take that route until you get to where you’re going.
During this time, we kindly ask that you pray for him and his family and let us know how they are doing. Thank you so much for taking my request into consideration. We would both be very grateful if you could attend the event if there is any way at all that you can. my Lord! Please do not subject us to the same pressure that you subjected those who came before us to. We implore you.
Dear God! It will only get worse if you try to force us to do something that we can’t do with the tools at our disposal right now. We implore you, our Protector, to feel pity for us, to pardon us, to clear us of blame, to have mercy on us, and to grant us victory over those who reject what we preach.