Ivan Bloor Death And Obituary – We regret to inform you that on March 15, 2023, Mr. Ivan Bloor passed away. We are thinking of you during this trying time. His family and friends are currently in our hearts and prayers.
To say that this revelation has left us all in a state of complete and full shock would be an understatement. The other day, Ivan became ill at the golf club. We are keeping his family in our thoughts during this incredibly tough time, especially his wife Jen, son Adam, and brother Tom. We are thinking of them. We will give this exceptional person, who passed away at the right moment and after consulting with Ivan’s family, the accolades that are due.
Not only for this, but also for all else you have done for him over the years, as well as for all of the supportive messages you have written, we would like to thank you. You all played a significant role in his life and greatly contributed to his happiness; I sincerely thank you for doing so; he will be sorely missed. I can see why he adored the club because of how outstanding everyone of you is. You all played a significant role in his life and greatly influenced his happiness.