Miah Aherne Death – The Buttevant GAA Club has been deeply saddened by the news of Miah Aherne’s passing. In addition to being our personal buddy, Miah Aherne served as our football team’s selector. Not too much time has gone since her death. What a privilege it was for us as a club to be able to call someone from Kildorrery who eventually became a member of the Buttevant community one of our own. It was clear that he felt a tremendous sense of pride in his achievements.
For the whole of her tenure with these athletes, Miah has been a dedicated teammate, a close friend, and a part of legend. She has also been here for a good while now. He has been a member of the Junior Footballers selection committee for the past four years. Besides that, and far more important than that, he has participated in the process of choosing our children.
We are praying and thinking of the people that were closest to him throughout this difficult time. They remain in our prayers and in our thoughts. This group includes the Aherne and Lee families, his wife Michelle, his daughter Anna, and a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. This group also consists of a number of additional people.