Kristin MacDonald, a BC teaching assistant also known as Ava James “The Dommy Mommy,” feels her career as a teacher is going to an end due to yet another failure on her part as an OnlyF teacher.
James has battled the school system to maintain her employment and her OnlyF account, which, in her opinion, helps a single mother support her child.
The model refused to delete her OnlyF and social media accounts after getting a cease and desist letter from the Coquitlam School District urging her to do so, which resulted in a disciplinary hearing and potential dismissal.
During the hearing, the school district, according to James’ claim in an interview with The Daily Hive, “acknowledged having an OnlyF subscriber account.”
In essence, this means that the school board uses public money to pay OnlyF in order to view the kind of content that a teacher uploads to her account.
She continued, “I feel like they’re going to poke me and say, ‘Yeah, we saw what you did,’ or something.” They may cancel it or inform me I’ll be fired the next week, they could say.
James, who is presently off from work due to a back ailment, believes that the school district has treated her unfairly despite the fact that she is still an employee and even has the backing of her union.
I hope this case serves as a precedent for those in like circumstances who may experience prejudice for some form of sex work, she said.
The OnlyF models have spoken out against prejudice before, including James. Famously, a student was expelled after his mother’s OnlyF account was found.
Of course, she is by no means the only educator to experience criticism for joining OnlyF. A science instructor was fired and barred from teaching last year for recording videos on pupils’ desks.