The lives of Lancaster residents Doug Pink and his wife LuAnne, a 57-year-old woman who appeared to be in good condition, abruptly changed in 2013. He experienced a seizure while driving, according to LuAnne Pink. That led to St. Mary’s Hospital, where we were.and a determination was made.
Glioblastoma (GBM) is a particularly aggressive type of brain cancer that Doug has.
LuAnne was diagnosed and never forgot it. “You wouldn’t think of it, you know. Anyone who is sufficiently healthy could be given the diagnosis.
In just five months, he passed away. It’s heartbreaking to witness your husband’s eventual demise from this dreadful illness, said Luanne. We assume we’re doing everything properly because we lead such healthy lives before developing adhesive Tlastoma brain cancer. destructive ability Doug enjoys playing sports, flies frequently, and is a pilot. I have no memory of everything that has happened to us during the previous five months. I doubt I’ll ever forget the sorrow.
Daughter-in-law Erin Pink of LuAnne Pink recalled: “I remember we got the call regarding Doug’s illness. The family discussed how alone we felt. Nobody that we knew had experienced that.
In Wisconsin at the time, there were no brain cancer fundraising events. In Doug’s memory, the Pink family established the Madison Brain Tumor 5K in 2014. Nearly $235,000 has been raised for the National Brain Tumor Society over the past seven years, bringing together families who have received a diagnosis of a brain tumor and offering them hope.
“I think he (Doug) will be surprised,” Lou Anne stated. I predict he’ll be shocked beyond belief. We become a part of the community of all the bereaved families. Over the past seven years, we have enjoyed incredible support and friends. Bravo.”
Erin continued, “I think she’s been able to encourage so many families who are just starting to go through this process to keep speaking the tale of what happened. That is what we have accomplished. I enjoy providing others with such assistance. You should be aware that you most certainly are not alone. There was a lot of support there, and we encountered several families. Families going through this procedure should reach out to one another and offer support.
It’s been great, LuAnne said as she thought back on all the 5K fundraisers that have taken place since her husband’s passing. It’s wonderful to see 700, 800, or 900 individuals banding together for a common goal. Finding a solution is the goal. Being supportive is important. accepting those who are experiencing the same situation. Out of something awful, we make something beautiful.
The Madison Brain Tumor 5K will take place virtually this year, much like many other events. Visit this page to donate or learn more about the charity.