I am currently the resource editor for Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education after serving as an editorial coordinator for more than 20 years. In addition, I have served as Nastawgan: The Wilderness Canoe Association quarterly’s resource editor since 2008. My primary responsibility as a resource editor is to create blog posts for publications.
Following his 2010 retirement from McMaster University, he consecutively taught internship courses at numerous universities around the nation, including Brock University, Laurentian University, the University of Alberta (Augustana Campus), and McMaster University. Additionally, in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh’s Masters in Education program, I served as co-director of a ski trip to Norway.
I support the Green Durham Society in my neighborhood, which works to safeguard environmental preserves in the Uxbridge/Goodwood region. In my professional life, I participate in activities like Wild Pedagogy, a group of educators committed to educational reform. member of the boards of both Camp Kirk and Trails Youth Initiative.
I just co-edited Paddling Pathways: Reflections from a Changing Landscape with Sean Blenkinsop, and I’m currently working on Lessons from the Trail: The Educator/Guide, Traveler, and Reader Experience. Regina, YNWP 2022
There is now a counter-expedition journey to Tseringma, Nepal, October 2024, 1971-2021. The pandemic took longer.