Kollam Sudhi, an actor and parody artist, was killed in a car crash in Thrissur after colliding with a van. Binu Adimali, Ullas, and Mahesh, three additional television personalities, suffered injuries in the incident. On Monday at around 4.30 p.m., the incident took place at Kaipamangalam. After taking part in a program with Vatakara, they reportedly went home, according to Manorama News. Sudi sustained significant brain injuries in the collision. Despite being brought to a private hospital in Kodungallur, he passed away from his wounds. Kollam Sudhi has appeared in a number of movies, such as Kattappanayile with Hrithik Roshan. His stand-up comedies on various TV channels and performances on stages are well-known.
Actor Kollam Sudhi, also referred to as Sudhi Kollam, is from India. Born in Kerala, India, on January 1, 1984, age 39. Kollam Sudhi has up till now been employed in the Mollywood entertainment sector, and Malayalam films and television programs have included his work.
Indian actor Kollam Sudhi is well-known and primarily works in the Malayalam film industry. On January 1st, 1984, he was born in Kollam, Kerala, India. He finished his education at Kerala State University. A character is an actor’s first impression. Fortunately, Sudhi stands 1.70 meters tall, and his most famous works include “Big Brother,” “Nizar,” and “Kids Park.”
Sudhi strives for excellence in whatever role that is given to him, no matter how big or small. He has a son named Risur and is married. His response, which revealed his love for his family, when questioned about his interests, was that he enjoys spending time with his family. Numerous people can contact with him on his Kosu TV YouTube page as well.