Stan Savran, a renowned sportscaster, has passed away. The 76-year-old Pittsburgh legend passed away on Monday. Savran moved to Pittsburgh in 1976 after leaving Cleveland, where he was born. In addition to doing pre- and post-game shows for the Buccaneers and Penguins, Savran has worked with the Steelers.
Savran was admitted into the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame’s Western Division in 2003.
The mythology that was Stan Safran. A fantastic man first and foremost, a true professional. Stan served as a guide and a friend. He will be sorely missed. Godfather of Pittsburgh sports, rest in peace, wrote Rich Walsh of KDKA-TV on Twitter.
A legend, Stan Savran. A fantastic human being first and foremost, a true professional. Stan served as a guide and a friend. He will be sorely missed by me.
One of the best role models a budding broadcaster could have. a genuine gentleman and expert. Nobody is more considerate and hospitable than you. Stan has always been a fan of this program. Stan, RIP. You will be sorely missed, Bob Pompeani of KDKA TV wrote on Twitter on Monday.