Cherneka Johnson, a well-known fighter who goes by the moniker Sugar Neekz, lost a heartbreaking match on Saturday night at Wembley Arena, a defeat she had sought to avoid at all costs. Johnson was unable to defend her title despite entering the ring as the IBF super-bantamweight world champion with a 15-1 record. She was cruelly deprived of her title as she exited the stadium, and now her sole claim to fame is that she was the fighter that joined OnlyF and weighed in while donning a body paint top.
Prior to her title bout with the current unbeaten IBF super-bantamweight champion, Ellie Scotney, it appears she was unprepared for the attention that comes with the internet spotlight. She and OnlyF formed a connection and talked about potential future partnerships, but she garnered popularity after showing up at her weigh-in covered in body paint.
Simply put, Sugar Neekz didn’t take her opponent seriously. She hadn’t made a conscious decision to believe she would win, but her preparation for the battle had been intensive. The ten-round fight, according to the judges’ scorecards, was not a close call. In the end, Scotney was awarded the belt by a unanimous vote. When the judgement was revealed, Sugar Neekz’s face expressed her disappointment and defeat in no uncertain terms.
She appeared to recognize that she had overexerted herself prior to entering the arena, as if this were a startling understanding for her. She wasn’t at her best in the combat since she was too engrossed in the game of content creation. She could see that she had lost the battle.
It might be challenging to learn that you need to pace yourself both inside and outside of the ring, especially if it means losing a title. It’s important to use caution while deciding where and when to act. A more conservative strategy would have been to remove the body paint weigh-in from the OnlyF announcement and collaborative discussion, or the other way around. She ultimately failed because of the two factors together.
If Sugar Neekz wanted to keep her title, it might be presumed that leaving out any of it might have caused it to go unnoticed. Although the Australian may ultimately benefit from this, her championship was forfeited in the process. Whether or whether she is able to restore her position of prominence will determine whether or not this sacrifice was justified. One must first win the division in order to reclaim the belt.
Sugar Neekz considered the knowledge she learned and the experience she had after losing. She vowed to herself that she would once more pursue championship belts. She intends to take some time off to rest and heal on the peaceful Greek Islands, though, before starting that voyage.